Welcome – join us this Sunday! In-person at 10 a.m. or online at 10:45 a.m. Wednesday night meeting at 7 pm


Fellowship while enjoying a cup of your favorite brew

Coffee Crawl Ministry


We are taken by the power that savoring a simple cup of coffee can have to connect people. It seems that the simple things of life such as talking to one another over your favorite brew brings joy and warmth to our lives. Our relationships will grow warmer as our coffee grows cooler. And like another cup of brew, all relationships need a refresher! Come and join us.

At the same time, we would like to bless the employees at the coffee house. Come with excitement and encouragement for all the employees. Everyone needs a refreshing in relationships. Come with the hope that Jesus brings.

The coffee crawl happens about once every quarter. Stay tuned for the next date and coffee shop announcement!

Where are we heading next: LOCATION & DIRECTIONS

Our next visit will be at WHOLE LATTE LOVE. on February 10TH 2023. PLEASE COME and have a cup of your favorite brew with friends.

We will all meet at the Cornerstone Chapel parking lot at 9 a.m. Then, as a group, we will head over to the cafe. You may meet us there by 9:30 a.m.

Blessing "Whole Latte Love" Staff