Beliefs form the foundation of our life
Whether you are actively aware of them or not, we all have existing mindsets, or a "belief system" about God, ourselves, others, and the world we live in. These beliefs can be helpful or harmful. They can be rooted in truth or born out of lies.
Our belief system develops during childhood. Our experiences shape what we will later determine as "truths," whether true or not.
Over time, these beliefs create a "lens" or "filter" through which we view all of our circumstances. We select and focus on the information that comes in and use it to reinforce what we already believe to be true. For example, if I've developed a belief that "nothing ever works out right for me," every time I encounter failure or a setback, I will use that experience as further proof that my belief is right.
Can you see how such a root belief can be counter-productive and defeating? Is it REALLY true? Does it align with Truth - that is, does it conform to my reality in Christ?
Taking an ax to the root
Throughout our faith journey, we will have the opportunity to discover, confront, and replace these distorted beliefs. Participating in this process will take courage, honesty, and a willing heart. We tend to want to defend our position rather than accept the possibility we are wrong.
Often, there are multiple layers to the lies we believe. The Bible refers to these beliefs as strongholds. These beliefs go deeper than intellectual thoughts—they have become our "default operating system." They affect our thinking, our attitudes, our feelings, and ultimately our behavior.
Anything that is not of Christ has to go. Jesus came to give us abundant life. We need to be renewed to experience all that He has died to give us. We need to replace lies with truth, and wrong with right! We must allow the Holy Spirit to transform us from the inside out.
We invite you to explore some basic truths about God, yourself, and the world around us. Explore what it really means to be a Christian and live by faith.
At any time on this journey, should you feel stuck and need counsel or prayer, don't hesitate to get in touch with us.
Resources for a Firm Foundation
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